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What is a flipchart in barchart?

Also unique to Barchart, Flipcharts allow you to scroll through all the symbols on the table in a chart view. While viewing Flipcharts, you can apply a custom chart template, further customizing the way you can analyze the symbols. Flipcharts are a free tool available to Site Members.

What is the default barchart symbol note?

Barchart Symbol Notes Tutorial (8:43) If you are not logged into the site, or have not set up a default Chart Template (free site membership required), the default chart presented is a 6-Month Daily chart using OHLC bars.

How do I save a barchart?

There are three auto-saving mechanisms available, defined in your Site Preferences page in the My Barchart tab. Use Last-Viewed Chart Settings: Any changes you make to a chart (aggregation, bar type, studies, etc.) are remembered and carried forward to the next chart you view.

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